
Ontario Fall Colours: ISO200, 61mm, f/2.8, 1/2500
It has been a long while since I posted last. This is one of the last photos I have taken and have not shared.
This was taken one bright, cool fall morning down the street from where we live. Maple Leaves were displaying there colours they are famous for.

Poplar Stand at Mt. Lorette Pond: ISO 800, 15mm, f/4.5, 1/1000
This is a stand of Trembling Aspens in Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Canada. The backdrop is a pond.
Keeping with the black and white from my previous post, thought I would add this to my collection. The aspen bark takes on a silvery tone.

Red Panda: ISO 800, 130mm, f/5.0, 1/250
Another set of photos from my Calgary Zoo walk last week. My previous visits to the Calgary Zoo, these two Red Pandas were usually hiding or sleeping. Last week was a different story. Both were very active, one even showed off his climbing skills. I was impressed!

Red Panda in Tree: ISO 800, 150mm, f/5.0, 1/400
13/03/12 Filed in: Winter

Birds: ISO 200, 53mm, f/4.5, 1/4000
A followup to my previous post.
This is where the flock of flying waxwings were headed. The neighbour’s Mountain Ash (Right Side of Picture) provides many tiny berries for a large quantity of birds to feed. I wonder how these tiny branches can handle the number of birds that perch on them.

Yellow Warbler: ISO 200, 200mm, f/8.0, 1/750
Waiting for spring to arrive. This yellow warbler was captured last spring at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre, Red Deer, Alberta during one of my nature walks.
17/12/11 Filed in: Winter

Christmas in the Park: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
This was taken the same night as the previous image. This is facing west at the Red Deer City Hall gardens.
In the summer it is quite the sight with roses and perennials.
In the winter, the city covers the trees, bushes and shrubs with lights. People are always strolling the pathways to get a closer look.
15/12/11 Filed in: Winter

Christmas at Red Deer City Hall 2011
I love Christmas! The colour and and lights warm up our extraordinary cold and dark winters.
This was taken last night in downtown Red Deer with a simple pocket camera. The city decorates the City Hall Park and this rather large Christmas tree.
25/09/11 Filed in: Fall

Waiting Squirrel: ISO 200, 200mm, f/4, 1/180
We purchased a new bird feeder for the backyard. One of the disadvantages of this new feeder is that the squirrels can get into it. The advantage is that we are attracting many new birds to our backyard. I have seen nuthatches, blue jays, chickadees, sparrows, crows, and magpies all eat out of this feeder since it can store seed and nuts. The tube feeders that we have in place just attract the smaller birds such as the house sparrow, chickadee and finches because it can only hold small seed.
I took this photo of the squirrel eagerly waiting for me to leave after I had just refilled the feeder. He was even coaxing me to leave with his non-stop chatter! I left after I got this shot in the berry abundant mountain ash tree.
Another Alberta Blogger, Kathleen Moors, has squirrels visiting her feeder but noticed that she had a woodpecker come visit. She asked if she could use one of my photos that I have used here. I would like to thank her for sharing. Check out her site as she is a wonderful painter.
05/03/11 Filed in: Winter

More Shadow Veins: ISO 200, 70mm, f/9.5, 1/2000

Fluffy White Clouds: ISO 200, 70mm, f/9.5, 1/2000
Still very cold here. My brain is in a freeze. I decided I needed to try to get out of my creative hibernation and point the camera upwards.
08/01/11 Filed in: Winter

Preparing for the Storm: ISO 400, 200mm, f/4, 1/350
Went for a walk at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre yesterday while the weather was still relatively warm (Just below 0 degrees ceclius).
This was the only bird I could get close enough to photograph during my hike but I could hear chickadees and waxwings playing in the woods. My lens just couldn't reach far enough to catch them. This Downy Woodpecker was busy searching for food. He must sense the winter storm the weather people are predicting for this weekend.
19/12/10 Filed in: Winter

Trouble: ISO 200, 35mm, f/2.8, 1/60
Christmas can almost be counted down on one hand now. Our newest family member, Goose, is experiencing his first Christmas. We weren't sure if we should put up the indoor Chrismtas tree as Goose is still very much a kitty.
We compromised and put up the tree but not very many decorations. As you can see from this picture that was a good choice. Goose likes shiny glass balls and we do find them on the floor from time to time. He is careful not to break them though.
16/11/10 Filed in: Winter

Canadian Cactus: ISO 200, 90mm, f/5.6, 1/320
The snow has fallen. It looks like it will stay around for awhile. Sub zero temperatures all week. BBbbrrrrrrr!!
This is our small Mugo Pine covered with the fresh fallen snow. Kind of reminds me of a cactus.

Cedar and Snow: ISO 200, 11mm, f/3.2, 1/160
We got some snow this week. It usually snows just in time for Halloween.
This is a macro of our cedar tree by our front entrance which faces north. Taken with a point and shoot set on manual settings.
26/09/10 Filed in: Fall

Falling Leaf: ISO 200, 90mm, f/5.6, 1/90
The leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees. We are experiencing an "Indian Summer" right now. Warm summer like temperatures and sunny skies.
This image was taken just before sunset at Michener Hill which is about 5 blocks from the house. This hill overlooks downtown and the river valley.
15/09/10 Filed in: Fall

Fall: ISO 100, 8.1mm. f/4.5, 1/500
I'm guilty. I have not used my camera in a week. I pulled this image from a photo walk I did last fall in the town in which I work. I used my point and shoot as I left my heavy gear at home. I just wanted to enjoy the sights and sounds of fall and not worry about what lens I was going to use.
Currently, the weather has been full of rain and clouds. Luckily, the clouds are keeping in what little heat we have left from summer.
Happy Canada Day
30/06/10 Filed in: Summer

Maple Leaves and Spruce Needles: ISO 200, 35mm, f/8, 1/500
July 1st is the day we celebrate the birth of our great nation.
I was going through my photographs to find something red but did not have much luck. I came across this shot I took a couple of weeks ago while visiting my parents in Ontario. When I was much younger the trees in our front yard were not very high. As I was admiring their height and realizing how long ago I left home, I noticed this sky and how the light was hitting the leaves on the maple tree. I snapped off a few shots.
So for Canada Day, I am not posting red but instead giving you a shot of Canadian maple leaves, spruce needles and a bright blue sky.
A Walk in the Park
29/06/10 Filed in: Summer

Walk in the Park: ISO 200, 5.8mm, f/8, 1/100
Had to go to City Hall yesterday and pay property taxes. It is about a 10 minute walk from the house.
I took our point and shoot camera with me as it was pretty hot and didn't want the added weight of my DSLR and the added stress of not bringing along the right lense.
This park is on the way to downtown. If your eye follows the path you are looking into downtown Red Deer, Alberta.
Tooth Sharpener
20/03/10 Filed in: Nature

Beaver Stump: ISO 100, 35mm, f/8, 1/40
Went for a photo walk this morning at Red Deer's Bower Ponds. As I was driving home from work last night I seen that Canada Geese had arrived. A sure sign that spring is coming! I thought I could get some good pictures of the geese on the remaining ice on the ponds and river. The only water that isn't frozen is a narrow path going down the centre of the Red Deer River where the current is strong.
I came across this along the river bank looking for photo opportunities of geese. I didn't see any beaver but the shavings look fairly recent. A beaver's teeth never stop growing so that they don't wear down as they constantly gnaw on wood for food and protection.
I will post more images of my photo walk at Bower Ponds in the days ahead. Keep checking back!
More Kerry Wood Nature Centre
06/03/10 Filed in: Winter

ISO 200, 90mm, f/4.5, 1/180
This is another photo from my late January photo walk at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre in Red Deer, Alberta.
As Requested...
26/02/10 Filed in: Winter

Branching Out: ISO 200, 90mm, F5.6, 1/500

Frosty Ladder: ISO 200, 90mm, F4, 1/1000

Grass and Trunk: ISO 100, 108mm, f5, 1/80
One of my regular visitors requested more pictures of my cold nature walk. I guess it is pretty warm down under and this helps cool things off.
These 3 pictures are of my nature walk a few weeks ago at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre. A pretty foggy day which provided great images of Hoar Frost.
Nature Walk
23/02/10 Filed in: Winter

Three Trees: ISO 200, 90mm, F5.6, 1/350
The amount of fog and Hoar’s Frost we have received this winter has to be a record. Mother Nature has thrown some more fog on us the last few days.
This shot was taken at the end of January. I took a drive to the bottom of the hill on which we live and visited the Kerry Wood Nature Centre. I have heard a lot of this place and yet have never visited. Like today, there was lots of moisture in the cold air causing a heavy coating of Hoar’s Frost.
Also with the heavy fog there is no way for the sun to cast any shadows. This was taken around 1:00 PM. It was like I was taking pictures in a giant soft box.
This image has not been converted to black and white.
Waiting for the Fog to Lift
09/02/10 Filed in: Winter

Winter Squirrel: ISO 500, 190mm, f4.5, 1/250
I took this shot of a squirrel in the middle of January when it was still pretty warm out. The noise in this image is pretty high even after a bit of tweaking. I had to use a high ISO in order to get a quick shutter speed for the subject and the focal length. Noise is better than blurry in my opinion.
I was shooting under our big pine tree and looking up to this noisy squirrel sitting in the shade. As you can see in the upper right hand corner the sun was trying to illuminate the subject but it just didn’t have enough reach to touch him.
Currently, a fog has settled in again bringing damp, cold weather. The type of weather in which you really have no desire to leave the house. Not only is there fog outside there is also fog inside my head. Like the previous post I am still suffering from the “Winter Blahs” and am hoping this fog will lift soon.
Happy New Year!
01/01/10 Filed in: Winter

Wishing all of you peace and fortune for the new year and new decade.
My wife Angela took this shot earlier this week. All that white on the background trees is the heavy hoar frost.
Heavy Dusting
30/12/09 Filed in: Winter

Another picture from yesterday’s heavy hoar frost. Taken before the sun has fully risen. The foreground branches are illuminated by the streetlight.
Beautiful Day Yesterday
26/12/09 Filed in: Winter

Merry Christmas to all!
Yesterday was a beautiful day in so many ways. Woke up to Santa’s presents and Mother Nature’s present of a nice covering of Hoar Frost.
This was taken in the front yard looking up at the trees that create a canopy over our street. Not a cloud in the sky so the sun was catching the hoar frost on the trees. A slight wind was brushing the frost off causing it to fall to the ground.